Studio Supernova is an Italian company dedicated to publishing board, card and roleplay games, both localising foreign titles and developing original ones.

Studio Supernova's catalogue is extremely varied, to please all types of players. They range from party games like Super Cats to expert management games like Pharaon; from card and draft games like It's a Wonderful World to auction games like Alta Società; from cooperative games like La Spedizione Perduta to extremely competitive games like The King is Dead.

Many realities are part of the Studio Supernova group, making its offer even more varied:

JPOP games (Anime Party, Exceed Street Fighter, Pixel Tactics) aim to please lovers of Japan and manga graphics.

The irreverent Freak&Chic games (Squillo, Dogma, Witch&Bitch) are designed for those gamers who prefer more nonconformist fun.

The storytelling (Le straordinarie avventure del barone di Munchausen) and strategy games (Chartae, RRR, Minlieff) from XVgames address to an audience looking for special, niche, quality products with elegant aesthetics and design.

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